Lottery Information
If there are more students requesting a school and grade level than the current space available, a priority list and a lottery will determine the order in which students are admitted to the school requested. Cambrian School District Board Policy & Procedure 5116.1
The lottery is held in mid to late March, at the Cambrian Professional Development Center Building 7, 4115 Jacksol Drive, 95124. Please note that we cannot pre-determine start times for each grade level or school. The whole lottery takes no more than 2 hours.
Basic Lottery Information:
- The lottery does not determine placement. Placement will come at a later date. The purpose of the lottery is to organize students in random order by school, grade level, and priority. Students will be placed on a waiting list in ranking order until space becomes available.
- Attendance is not required. If you would like to attend, please enter through the gate on the right-hand side of the main District Office Building.
- The waiting list is a way to organize students for the District. Being on the waiting list does not represent if a school site is at capacity.
- Your child will receive a lottery number and confirmation of priority by email. The lottery number is used as identification in the lottery process.
- Multiple Child Provision: If a family participating has twins, triplets… the numbers will be pulled together and assigned consecutively. For instance, if there are twins and the number 10 is selected for the family in the lottery, they will be assigned 10 and 11, and then the next number drawn will be placed as number 12.
Lottery Priorities:
- First Priority: Siblings of students currently attending the school requested and qualified Cambrian Employees
- Second Priority: Cambrian Residents
- Third Priority: Out of District Families with a sibling currently attending the school requested
- Fourth Priority: Out of District Families
The Lottery Process (moves very fast):
- Steindorf Kindergarten, first priority students are drawn first. We move through all four priorities in a school and grade level until all students are placed in numerical order. (Cambrian School District Board Policy 5116.1) (There could be up to four (4) lotteries, per grade level, per school)
- Lottery numbers will be read aloud as they are individually drawn and displayed on the screen in order as they are drawn. The ranking order list is displayed during the current grade lottery ONLY. Once that grade level lottery is over, the rankings and student numbers are removed and posted on the District website.
- Please do not approach the “Lottery Team” during the lottery process. If you missed your student's ranking order or grade level, the results will be posted on the Cambrian School District website within a week.
- We move through the student numbers fairly quickly. If you have any questions, please see our help desk at the back of the room.
After the Lottery:
- Ranking numbers according to the lottery are emailed out individually to students. Please be patient with us, as we double-check all student numbers and the ordered placed.
- Once a school and grade level establish the number of spaces available, a confirmation email will be sent out based on the lottery results.
- Cambrian School District must receive confirmation of acceptance or decline within 10 school days (the deadline date will be stated in the confirmation email).
- All students will be notified with either a placement or a waiting list ranking number. As space becomes available, we will contact you by phone or email.
- Lottery results are posted on the District website in number ranking order by school and grade level.
- The District website will be updated periodically as changes occur.
- All students will have an opportunity to request a second choice school if they choose, or automatically be enrolled or stay at their current home school until space becomes available. (more information will come after the lottery)
- All waiting lists established by a lottery will be terminated on March 1 of each school year. No Intradistrict transfers will be accommodated for the school year after March 1. The Superintendent may authorize emergency transfers at his/her discretion.
Lottery Questions? Contact: Dora Vargas