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Current Cambrian Families 2025-26 Priority Enrollment Information

Current Cambrian Families Priority Enrollment 

As a current Cambrian student, your student has the opportunity to request movement to any school within the Cambrian District for the 2025-26 school year during our Priority Enrollment Period. Priority Enrollment will begin on January 13, 2025  and runs through January 31, 2025

If you would like to remain at your current school: No action is required. Your student will automatically move up to the next grade level at their current school.

If you would like the opportunity to switch to another Cambrian school: To request a transfer for the 2025-26 school year , you will need to submit School Choice Step 1.

Important Information for Current 5th Grade Students

Cambrian District Residents

  • Bagby, Fammatre, Farnham, and Sartorette 5th grade students: Your student will automatically roll into Price Middle School for 6th grade. If your student wants to request attendance at Steindorf,  you will need to complete School Choice Step 1 during the Priority Enrollment period January 13 - 31.
  • Steindorf 5th grade students: Your student will automatically roll up to 6th grade at Steindorf. If your student wants to request attendance at Price, you will need to complete you will need to complete School Choice Step 1 during the Priority Enrollment period January 13 - 31.

Out-of-District Residents

  • Charter Students: No action is required. Your student will automatically move up to the next grade level at their current school or attend Price Middle School for 6th grade.
  • Interdistrict Transfer Students: (Currently attending Bagby or Steindorf AND live outside the Cambrian School District Boundaries): You will need to renew your Interdistrict Transfer Request Form for the 2025-26 school year from your district of residence/home school district. Interdistrict Transfers are required to be renewed every school year. Bagby and Steindorf 5th grade students: If your student would like to attend Price Middle School for 6th grade, you will need to complete a Charter Transfer permit during the priority enrollment period.

    Note: If there are more students requesting Intradistrict Transfers than space available, a priority list and a lottery system will determine the order in which students will be admitted (Cambrian School District Board Policy & Procedure 5116.1). A lottery will be held in late March 2025.

If you have any questions in regards to the enrollment process please feel free to contact Dora Vargas, through email at