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District Revenue Enhancements

Measure R - Passed Nov. 5, 2020

Please take a moment to view this important video message regarding the passing of Measure R in our district. Thank you again for your invaluable support!

Cambrian School District believes all students deserve to learn in quality classrooms and school facilities and has educated generations of local children from Transitional Kindergarten to 8th grade. Most of our school sites were built around 60 years ago and need to be upgraded. The state of our classrooms, facilities, and technology is impacting teaching and learning. Measure R will provide a plan to address our most critical facilities' needs as no other funding currently exists to properly upgrade our facilities.

Our two key priorities are:

  1. Ensure academic success for every student attending one of our schools; and
  2. To make sure that our school facilities and school grounds are safe, secure, modern, and equipped to provide the best educational environment possible.


Measure R is a school bond measure on the November 3, 2020 ballot seeking voter authorization for Cambrian School District funding to make needed facilities repairs, upgrades, and improvements to Cambrian School District school sites. Measure R requires 55% support to pass. A “YES vote” approves funding for the District’s plan; a “NO vote” rejects the plan. All Cambrian School District voters registered by October 19, 2020, will be eligible to vote on Measure R.

Ballot Question:

“To repair/upgrade aging classrooms, science labs, school facilities, and instructional technology to support student achievement in math, science, engineering, technology, and arts, repair deteriorating roofs, plumbing, electrical, remove asbestos/lead pipes where needed, and upgrade classrooms/computers to keep pace with technology, shall the Cambrian School District measure authorizing $88,000,000 in bonds at legal rates be adopted, levying 3 cents/$100 assessed value ($5,235,000 annually) while bonds are outstanding, with citizen oversight/all money staying local?”

Measure R will:

  • Modernize classrooms, labs, and technology to support high-quality instruction in math, science, engineering, and the Arts.
  • Repair/Replace deteriorating roofs, plumbing, heating, ventilation, and electrical systems where needed.
  • Update classrooms and computer systems to keep pace with technology.
  • Remove hazardous materials like asbestos and lead pipes from our older schools.
  • Upgrade computers and technology for students to take classes, interact with teachers, and complete assignments online if they can’t be there in person.
  • Improve student safety, campus security, and access to school facilities for students with disabilities.

Taxpayer Protections:

  • By law, all funds from Measure R must stay local and dedicated to Cambrian schools only.
  • The State cannot take Measure R funding away.
  • Independent Citizens' Oversight Committee, independent annual audits, and regular public reports ensure proper spending of funds.

For more information, contact: Carlena Grandey, Administrative Assistant to the Superintendent, by phone: (408) 377-2103 ext. 1103, or by email:

If you are having trouble viewing the document, you may download the document.

Citizen's Oversight Committee

COC Application: Use this link to apply to the oversight Committee

Annual Report 2021

Annual Report 2022





