Language Programs
Language Acquisition Programs for English Learners and Language Programs for non-English Learners
The CA Ed.G.E. Initiative, also known as Proposition 58, authorizes school districts to establish language acquisition programs for both native and non‐native English speakers and requires school districts to solicit parent and community input in developing language acquisition programs.
Parent and Community Engagement
Parents may provide input regarding language and language acquisition programs in the LEA or to be considered in the LEA during the development of the Local Control and Accountability Plan (EC Section 52062.) If interested in a different program from those listed above, please contact CSD Educational Services to ask about the process.
Parent May Request the Establishment of a New Language Acquisition Program or a New Language Program at a School
- Parent May Request the Establishment of a New Language Acquisition Program or a New Language Program at a School
- CSD's Process to Respond to Parent Requests for New Programs
- Potential Language Programs