CSD Biliteracy Pathway Participation Award
Background & Purpose
To encourage and support the study of languages in elementary and middle schools, the Cambrian School District along with other K-8 school districts and county offices in the state of California has initiated a series of acknowledgments to encourage students to begin or continue the study of a second or third language.
In April 2019, the Board of Trustees of the Cambrian School District adopted Board Resolution No. 18-19-06 for adopting a Biliteracy Pathway Recognitions Program to recognize elementary and middle school students who have demonstrated progress toward proficiency in speaking, listening, reading, and writing in one or more languages in addition to English.
CSD Biliteracy Pathway Participation Award
Achieving advanced levels of knowledge and proficiency in another language takes many years and must start early with young children. The CSD Biliteracy Pathway Recognitions Program establishes a system of "pathway" awards from elementary through middle school recognizing benchmarks towards biliteracy. These awards are designed to recognize student engagement in the pursuit of language skills in two or more languages, affirm positive attitudes towards multilingualism, and validate the use of multiple languages for all students. Additionally, these awards promote the need for students to continue in long-term, sequential world language study in high school.
The CSD Biliteracy Pathway Participation Award is consistent with current district policies and initiatives that focus on ensuring students' college and career readiness and preparation for next-generation skills. This policy affirms the District's vision and commitment to the critical importance of all students developing multilingual and multicultural competence while acquiring marketable skills.
To be considered for the CSD Biliteracy Pathway Participation Award, complete the application process below:
- 2024-25 Elementary Biliteracy Pathway Participation Award Application - Grade 5
- 2024-25 Middle School Biliteracy Pathway Participation Award Application - Grade 8
IMPORTANT NOTE: The deadline for the application to be submitted with all the requirements is April 30, 2024. Students will be recognized at the first Board Meeting on June 6, 2024.
The State of California Seal of Biliteracy
A State Seal of Biliteracy, AB 815, was signed by the governor and enacted into the California Education Code on October 8, 2011, and amended by AB 1142 in 2017. The State of California Seal of Biliteracy (SSB) award became effective on January 1, 2012. For more information about the State Seal of Biliteracy, visit: https://www.cde.ca.gov/sp/el/er/sealofbiliteracy.asp
For more information about the State Seal of Biliteracy through the high schools, please visit Campbell Union High School District Website: https://www.cuhsd.org/apps/pages/index.jsp?uREC_ID=447519&type=d&pREC_ID=927308