Science Instructional Materials Program Selection Process
Over the 2022-23 school year, the NGSS Instructional Materials Selection committee, consisting of representatives from all Cambrian elementary and middle school sites, has completed the exploration phase and prescreened all approved science curricula using the California Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) Toolkit for Instructional Material Evaluation (TIME).
The committee reviewed only those materials SBE-approved for adoption by the California Department of Education. Through the prescreening and deeper exploration process, two curricula for each grade level span (K-5 & 6-8) were chosen to be piloted during the 2023-24 school year:
- Elementary (Grades K-5): Amplify Science & Full Option Science System (FOSS)
- Middle School (Grades 6-8): Amplify Science & California Inspire Science (McGraw Hill)
The NGSS Instructional Materials Selection Committee consists of teachers, instructional specialists, support staff, and administrators, working in alignment with CSD Board Policy 6140.2.
The NGSS Instructional Materials Selection process will be moving into the piloting phase in the fall 2023-24 school year, with the intent of presenting a recommendation for adoption to the Board of Education in the winter of 2024.
Instructional Materials Piloting Process
- Instructional Materials Piloting Process
- Staff, Parent & Community Input
- Funding for Adopted Instructional Materials
- Implementation of Instructional Materials