CSD Local Assessments
FastBridge Assessments for English Language Arts, Math & Social-Emotional Learning
Universal screening is a critical first step in identifying students who are at risk for experiencing reading difficulties, and who might need more time in instruction or different instruction altogether. Screening is conducted to identify or predict students who may be at risk for poor learning outcomes. Universal screening assessments are typically brief and conducted with all students from a grade level. They are followed by additional testing or short-term progress monitoring to corroborate students’ risk status. CSD’s universal screening is used for English Language Arts, Mathematics, and for Social and Behavior assessment.
For more information about CSD’s universal screening from FASTBridge visit https://www.fastbridge.org/solutions/solutions-screening/.
For more information about the FastBridge Assessments, please visit the Understanding the Fastbridge Family Report Website: https://www.fastbridge.org/familyreport/
Writing Performance-Based Assessment (Writing PBAs) for Grades TK-8
Writing PBAs are on-demand performance assessments for each of the three genres- narrative, information, and opinion. Students in grades TK-8 are assessed in a fixed period of time with a pre-assessment and then a post-assessment for each genre. Therefore the writing pieces can be assessed to track student progress over the genres and school year, starting from the baseline piece of writing.
Math Performance-Based Assessment (MARS) for Grades 6-8
These formative performance-based assessment tasks were designed by the Mathematics Assessment Resource Service (MARS), a project of UC Berkeley, Michigan State, and the Shell Centre in Nottingham, England. The tasks provide a platform for professional development in schools and districts as they implement the Common Core State Standards. The tasks can be used to promote discussion about student work and real performance data.