Board Policies & Procedures
- Philosophy, Goals, Objectives, and Comprehensive Plans (0000 Series)
- Community Relations (1000 Series)
- Administration (2000 Series)
- Business and Non-Instructional Operations (3000 Series)
- Personnel (4000 Series)
- Students (5000 Series)
- Instruction (6000 Series)
- Facilities (7000 Series)
- Bylaws of the Board (9000 Series)
Philosophy, Goals, Objectives, and Comprehensive Plans (0000 Series)
Title |
Policy |
Procedure |
Mission and Vision |
Philosophy |
Goals for the School District |
Evaluation of Comprehensive Plans |
Nondiscrimination in District Programs and Activities |
Equity | 0415 | |
School Annual Reports |
Comprehensive Local Plan For Special Education |
District Technology Plan |
Comprehensive Safety Plan |
Local Control And Accountability Plan |
0460 | |
Accountability |
School Accountability Report Card |
Community Relations (1000 Series)
Title |
Policy |
Procedure |
School - Community Relations Goals |
Public Notice/Negotiations |
Community Involvement in Decision Making |
Public Participation at Board Meetings |
Relations with Parents Organizations |
Volunteer Assistance |
Public Conduct on School Property |
Public Complaints |
Public Complaints about School Employees |
Complaints concerning Instructional Materials |
Public Complaints about Federal or State Laws or Regulations (Uniform Complaint Policy) |
Public Complaints about Facilities or Services |
Civility | 1313 | |
Public Solicitations in the Schools |
Advertising and Promotion |
Community Use of School Facilities |
Cambrian Community Center Use Policy |
Public Use of School Records |
Administration (2000 Series)
Title |
Policy |
Procedure |
District Administration Priority Objectives |
Evaluation of Superintendent |
Administrative Organization Plan |
School Superintendent |
Qualifications and Duties of the Superintendent |
Administration in Policy Absence |
Management Team |
Principal's Role |
Temporary Administrative Arrangements |
Program Consultants |
Policy Implementation |
Public Use of School Records |
Business and Non-Instructional Operations (3000 Series)
Title |
Policy |
Procedure |
Budget |
Expenditures from Invested Funds |
Authorized Signatures |
Pupil Fees, Fines, and Charges |
Types of Funds |
Purchasing |
Expense Reimbursement |
Audits |
Inventories |
Debt Issuance And Management |
Buildings and Grounds Maintenance |
Resource Management |
Disposal of Obsolete, Unusable, and Surplus Instructional Materials |
Buildings and Grounds Management |
Buildings and Grounds Security |
Vandalism |
Emergency Plans |
Fire Drills |
Bomb Threats, Explosions, Airplane and Chemical Accidents |
Earthquake Emergency Procedures |
Smog |
Industrial Accident |
Mail and Delivery Services |
First Aid |
Liability Insurance for Volunteer Workers |
Workers' Compensation Insurance for Volunteer Workers |
Pupil Conduct on School Buses |
Transportation of Student with Disabilities | 3540.1 | |
Pupil Transportation in Private Vehicles |
Free and Reduced Price Food Services |
Personnel (4000 Series)
Title |
Policy |
Procedure |
Drug and Tobacco Free Schools and Workplace |
Non-Discrimination |
Sexual Harassment |
Employee Health and Safety (Bloodborne Pathogens) |
Employee Use of Technology Resources |
Administrative Employee Recruiting |
Certificated Employee Hiring |
Certification | 4112.2 | 4112.2 |
Staff Teaching English Learners |
4112.22 | |
Special Education Staff | 4112.23 | |
Personnel Records |
Employment and Supervision of Relatives |
Employee Evaluations |
Certificated Performance Appraisals |
Certificated Employee Probation and Tenure |
Resignation of Certificated Employees |
Suspension and Dismissal of Certificated Employees Not Due to a Reduction in Force |
Employee Participation in Political Activities |
Non-Certificated Coaching Employees |
Employee Staff Development Opportunities |
Professional Growth Requirements for Renewal of Credentials |
Probationary Certificated Employees Training and Assistance |
Non-School Employment by Certificated Employees |
Employee Complaints |
Classified Employee Hiring |
Reduction of Classified Employees |
Resignation of Classified Employees |
Suspension and Dismissal of Classified Employees |
Classified Employee Salary Schedules |
Management/Confidential Employees |
Posting of Management/Confidential Employee Vacancies |
Management/Confidential Employee Hiring |
Management/Certificated Credentials |
Criminal Offender Record Information |
Management/Confidential Employee Assignments/Transfers |
Management/Confidential Employee Workload |
Substitute Management/Confidential Employee Employment |
Evaluation of Management/Confidential Employees |
Management/Confidential Employee Probation and Tenure |
Resignation of Management/Confidential Employees |
Reduction of Classified Management Confidential Employee Work Force |
Suspension and Dismissal of Management/Confidential Employees |
Management/Confidential Employee Development Opportunities |
Management/Confidential Employee Visitation and Conferences |
Management/Confidential Employee Meetings |
Management/Confidential Employee Grievance Procedure |
Certificated Management/Chief Financial Officer Compensation and Benefits |
Arrangements for Management/Confidential Employee Substitutes |
Management/Confidential Employee Leaves and Non-Vacation Absences |
Employee Job Actions |
Management/Confidential Employee Vacations and Holidays |
Students (5000 Series)
Title |
Policy |
Procedure |
Student and Family Privacy Rights |
Student Wellness |
Entrance Age |
District Residency |
Released Time for Religious Instruction |
Exclusions and Exemptions from School Attendance |
Pupil Withdrawal from School |
Pupil Absences and Excuses |
Truancy |
Pupil Attendance Accounting |
Intradistrict Transfers |
Interdistrict Transfers |
Transfers of Students to an Alternative Placement |
Student Assessment |
Monitoring of Student Progress |
Report Cards |
Promotion/Retention/Acceleration |
Pupil Progress Reports to Parents |
Parent Conferences |
Pupil Records |
Widespread Rewards and Recognition |
Pupil Volunteers for School and Public Service |
Bus Conduct |
Bullying |
Student Substance Abuse |
Mobile Communication Devices |
Pupil Dress Code |
School Uniforms |
Positive School Climate |
Supervision of Pupils |
Administering Medication and Monitoring Health Conditions | ||
Chronic Infectious Disease not Known to be Transmitted by Casual Contact |
Physical Examinations of Pupils |
Immunization of Pupils |
Pupil Health Services and Requirements | 5141.34 | 5141.34 |
Child Abuse Prevention And Reporting | 5141.4 | 5141.4 |
Suicide Prevention |
Safety | 5142 | |
Identification And Reporting Of Missing Children | 5142.1 | |
Discipline | 5144 | 5144 |
Suspension And Expulsion/Due Process | 5144.1 | 5144.1 |
Suspension And Expulsion Due Process Students With Disabilities | 5144.2 |
Instruction (6000 Series)
Title |
Policy |
Procedure |
Standards for Student Achievement |
Academic Achievement |
School Planning, Monitoring, and Evaluation |
Parental Involvement |
School Calendar |
School Day |
Protection of Instructional Time |
School-Based Coordinated Program |
Parent Observations |
Tightly Coupled Curriculum |
Curriculum Research |
Curriculum Adoption |
Curriculum Design |
Curriculum Guides and Scope and Sequence Outlines |
Mastery of Curriculum |
Sexual Health and HIV/AIDS Prevention Instruction |
Community Service |
Health Education |
Teaching About Controversial Issues |
Extracurricular Activities - Academic Criteria |
School Sponsored Trips |
Homework |
Independent Study |
Individualized Education Program |
Procedural Safeguards and Complaints for Special Education | 6159.1 | 6159.1 |
Nonpublic Nonsectarian School & Agency Services For Special Education | 6159.2 | 6159.2 |
Instructional Materials |
Supplementary Materials - Selection and Adoption |
Student Assessment |
State Academic Achievement Tests |
Animals at School |
Student Use of Technology |
Student Success Teams | 6164.5 | 6164.5 |
Identification and Education Under Section 504 |
District Criteria for Annual Evaluation of Consolidated Programs |
Transitional Kindergarten |
Title I Programs |
Education for Homeless Children |
Education for English Learners |
Homebound Instruction |
Evaluation of Instructional Programs |
School Effectiveness |
Facilities (7000 Series)
Bylaws of the Board (9000 Series)
Title |
Policy |
Procedure |
School Board Powers and Responsibilities |
School Board Powers and Duties |
Board Officers |
Board Committees |
Board/Superintendent Relationship |
Board Member Qualifications |
Governing Board Elections |
Unexpired Term Fulfillment |
Oath of Office |
New Board Member Orientation |
Board Member Development Opportunities |
Board Member Compensation and Expenses |
Board Member Insurance |
Conflict of Interest |
Code of Ethics |
Policy Adoption |
Policy Dissemination |
Policy Review and Evaluation |
Advisory Committees to the Board |
Quorum |
Board Organizational Meeting |
Meetings and Notices |
Agenda and Meetings Materials |
Notification of Board Meetings |
Meeting Conduct |
Public Participation at Board Meetings |
School Board Membership |
School Board Work Sessions and Retreats |
Consultants to the Board |